Urgent Care vs. Walk-in Clinic

Is there a difference between an Urgent Care Facility and a Walk-in Medical Clinic


Yes, there is a difference between an urgent care facility and a walk-in medical clinic, although they often provide similar services. Here are some key distinctions:

Urgent Care Facility

  • Scope of Services: Urgent care facilities typically handle a wider range of medical issues compared to walk-in clinics. They can address non-life-threatening conditions that require immediate attention, such as minor fractures, sprains, burns, and severe cuts requiring stitches.
  • Complex Procedures: Urgent care centers can perform more complex procedures, such as setting broken bones, administering IV fluids, and providing more comprehensive care for acute illnesses.
  • Hours of Operation: Urgent care centers often have extended hours, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate patients who need care outside of regular office hours.
  • Staffing and Equipment: Urgent care facilities are usually staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often have more advanced diagnostic equipment, such as X-ray machines and laboratories for on-site testing.

Walk-in Medical Clinic

  • Scope of Services: Walk-in clinics, also known as retail clinics or convenience care clinics, typically handle more basic medical issues, such as colds, flu, minor infections, rashes, and vaccinations. They are often located within pharmacies or retail stores.
  • Hours of Operation: They usually have regular business hours but may also offer some evening and weekend hours.
  • Staffing and Equipment: These clinics are often staffed by nurse practitioners or physician assistants, with limited diagnostic equipment.
  • Preventative Care: Walk-in clinics often focus more on preventative care services, such as health screenings, routine physicals, and lifestyle counseling.

In summary, while both types of facilities provide accessible healthcare without an appointment, urgent care centers are equipped to handle more serious conditions and offer a broader range of services than walk-in clinics.

In summary, urgent care facilities are designed to provide a higher level of medical care for more serious conditions, while walk-in clinics focus on convenience and accessibility for minor health issues. The choice between the two often depends on the severity of the medical issue and the specific needs of the patient.

Consequences to lack of funding

Not receiving funding to open an urgent care facility can have several consequences.

1. Access to Healthcare

Increased Pressure on Local Hospital: Without an urgent care facility, our local hospital, especially its emergency department, may face increased pressure and higher patient volumes. This can lead to longer wait times and potentially decrease the quality of care for patients with truly emergent conditions.

Limited Healthcare Access: For our communities, especially being in a rural or underserved urban area, the lack of an urgent care facility means limited access to immediate healthcare services. This can result in delays in receiving care for acute, non-life-threatening conditions.

2. Economic Impact

Loss of Job Opportunities: The opening of an urgent care facility creates various job opportunities, from medical staff to administrative and support roles. Not receiving funding means these potential jobs are not created, impacting local employment.

Economic Development: Healthcare facilities can be a cornerstone for local economic development, attracting related businesses and services. The absence of such a facility can slow down economic growth in the area.

3. Health Outcomes

Worsening of Health Conditions: Delayed treatment due to lack of access to urgent care facilities can lead to worsening health conditions for individuals who need immediate care but are unable or unwilling to seek emergency room services.

Increased Healthcare Costs: Without timely and appropriate care, minor health issues can escalate into more serious conditions, leading to higher healthcare costs for individuals and insurance providers.

4. Public Health

The strain on Public Health Systems: The absence of an urgent care facility can put additional strain on public health systems, especially during flu seasons or public health emergencies, when the demand for healthcare services spikes.

Decreased Preventive Care: Urgent care facilities often provide services beyond immediate care, including vaccinations and screening for common health issues. Without these services, there may be a decrease in preventive care uptake, potentially leading to higher instances of preventable diseases.

5. Quality of Life

Decreased Quality of Life: Easy access to healthcare services contributes significantly to the quality of life of a community’s residents. Without an urgent care facility, individuals may experience prolonged discomfort or stress related to health concerns, negatively impacting their overall well-being.

6. Healthcare Disparities

Increased Disparities: The lack of funding and subsequent absence of an urgent care facility can exacerbate healthcare disparities, especially in underserved or low-income communities where access to healthcare is already limited.

7. Community Trust and Support

Erosion of Trust: Failure to open an urgent care facility due to lack of funding can lead to erosion of trust and support within the community, particularly if there is a perceived lack of effort from local authorities or organizations to address healthcare needs.


The consequences of not receiving funding to open an urgent care facility extend beyond the immediate financial implications for the would-be providers. They encompass broader effects on healthcare access, economic development, public health, and the overall well-being of the community. Addressing the funding challenges and exploring alternative solutions or partnerships becomes crucial to mitigate these negative impacts.

The Breakfast Battle:

Cereal vs. Oatmeal vs. Cream of Wheat vs. Protein

Introduction: Breakfast is often hailed as the most important meal of the day, and choosing the right option can set the tone for your entire day. In the ever-expanding world of breakfast choices, individuals are often faced with the dilemma of whether to opt for classic cereals, hearty oatmeal, comforting cream of wheat, or a protein-packed start. Let’s explore the nutritional merits of each to help you make an informed decision about the most crucial meal of your day.

Cereal: A Crunchy Classic


Convenient and quick to prepare.

A wide variety of options catering to different tastes and dietary preferences.

Often fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.


Some commercial cereals can be high in added sugars and low in fiber.

May not provide long-lasting satiety compared to other options.

Oatmeal: The Fiber Powerhouse


Rich in soluble fiber, aiding digestion and promoting heart health.

Provides sustained energy due to its complex carbohydrates.

Versatile – can be customized with various toppings like fruits, nuts, and seeds.


Some flavored instant oatmeal packets can contain added sugars and artificial ingredients.

Requires a few minutes of preparation time.

Cream of Wheat: Warm and Comforting


Smooth texture and mild taste appeal to many.

Often enriched with iron and other essential nutrients.

Quick to cook, making it a time-efficient option.


Lower in fiber compared to oatmeal.

Some varieties may contain added sugars.

Protein-Packed Breakfast: Fuel for the Day


Supports muscle growth and repair.

It helps in maintaining a feeling of fullness throughout the morning.

Various options include eggs, yogurt, protein shakes or even salmon.


Some protein sources can be high in saturated fats.

Requires more time and preparation compared to grab-and-go options.

Conclusion: Ultimately, the ideal breakfast choice depends on individual preferences, dietary needs, and time constraints. A balanced approach may involve rotating between these options to ensure a diverse range of nutrients. Prioritizing whole and minimally processed foods while paying attention to portion sizes and added sugars can contribute to a healthier breakfast routine. Whether you opt for the crunch of cereal, the heartiness of oatmeal, the comfort of cream of wheat, or the protein punch, make your choice wisely to kickstart your day on a nutritious note.

What’s the Best Treatment for an Ear Infection?

Although more common among children, ear infections in adults can be more serious and more likely to require medical treatment. Viruses, fungi, and bacteria can cause ear infections in adults. Some adults with chronic conditions may be more likely to develop them.

Experts estimate that 80–90% of children develop a middle ear infection before they start school. However, ear infections in adults are also not uncommon. A 2021 study finds that middle ear infections in adults occur at a rate of about 5.3 per 1,000 adults annually. Researchers also estimate that about 10% of people will experience outer ear infections in their lifetimes. What are the symptoms of an ear infection?

Ear infections generally fall into three categories, depending on which part of the ear they affect: inner, middle, and outer.

Inner ear

The inner ear includes the cochlea, which sends information about sound to your brain. It also includes the semicircular canals, which help your body determine its position. Labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis are two adult inner ear infections that are usually viral.

Middle ear

The middle ear area includes the eardrum and the space behind it where three bones help conduct sound waves to the cochlea. People with middle ear infections often have an upper respiratory virus that causes part of their ear to become blocked. This blockage then traps fluid behind the eardrum.

Outer ear

The outer ear includes the ear canal and the auricle, the external part many people think of as the ear. Outer ear infections affect adults more often than children and can be very painful without treatment.

What are the causes of ear infections?

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi can all cause ear infections in adults. However, different parts of the ear become infected for different reasons.

While viruses commonly cause inner ear infections, doctors often do not know the cause when diagnosing the condition. Therefore, they may recommend resting and staying hydrated instead of prescribing antibiotics.

The virus that causes chickenpox and shingles can cause labyrinthitis when it reactivates. A middle ear infection can also spread to the inner ear.

Middle ear infections commonly develop due to an upper respiratory virus, influenza, or cold. These viral infections can clog up the eustachian tube, which runs from the ear to the throat. This clog keeps fluid in the ear from draining and can result in a secondary bacterial infection.

The bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are responsible for most outer ear infections. These bacteria can enter the ear canal from several sources:


cotton swabs

hearing aids



warm weather conditions

Inner ear infection symptoms can include:

vertigo or dizziness

difficulty balancing

nausea and vomiting

hearing loss

tinnitus, or ringing in the ears

Middle ear infection symptoms can include:

ear pain

fluid draining from the ear


muffled hearing or hearing loss

the sensation of fullness in the ear

Outer ear infection symptoms can include:

pain when pressing or pulling on the ear



the sensation of fullness in the ear

mild fever


Doctor checking patients ear during medical examination

How do doctors diagnose ear infections?

To diagnose an ear infection, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. They will feel your lymph nodes and look in your ears with an otoscope, a lighted device with a magnifying lens. They may also check to see if your eardrum moves, which helps them determine if it is healthy.

Depending on the type of ear infection and severity of symptoms, your doctor also might conduct a hearing or imaging test. These additional tests can help them rule out other conditions.

How are ear infections treated?

Treating viral inner ear infections typically involves getting adequate rest, staying hydrated, and taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications. In some cases, steroids and vestibular system suppressants may be necessary. If a bacterial infection is a cause, doctors may prescribe antibiotic ear drops or oral antibiotics.

For a bacterial middle ear infection, doctors may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics. Some people experience chronic middle ear infections or fluid remaining in their ear after taking antibiotics. To treat this, a doctor may perform a minor procedure to place tubes in the affected eardrum to allow the fluid to escape. This procedure can also help prevent middle ear infections and make them easier to treat with antibiotic ear drops.

You can often manage outer ear infections with antibiotic ear drops and pain relievers. Your doctor may also need to clean the ear canal to allow topical treatments to work. Treatment with an oral pain reliever like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) usually helps alleviate fever and pain within a few hours. Many doctors will actually recommend alternating between Tylenol and Motrin for the best effect.


If the infection is bacterial (rather than viral) you may receive a prescription for an oral or topical antibiotic. Here are some of the antibiotics doctors prescribe to treat an ear infection:

Amoxil (amoxicillin)

Augmentin (amoxicillin/potassium clavulanate)

Cortisporin (neomycin/polymxcin b/hydrocortisone) solution or suspension

Cortisporin TC (colistin/neomycin/thonzonium/hydrocortisone) suspension

Ciprodex (ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone) suspension

Cipro HC (ciprofloxacin/hydrocortisone) suspension

Ciloxan (ciprofloxacin) solution

Ocuflox (ofloxacin) solution

Floxin (ofloxacin) solution

Acetasol HC (hydrocortisone/acetic acid) solution

Your doctor will assess the type of bacteria likely causing your ear infection to determine which antibiotic to give you. Most people begin feeling relief within 24 hours of starting a course of antibiotics, and symptoms should improve significantly within 48-72 hours.

What’s the difference between antibiotic solutions and suspensions?

Solutions are liquids where the active ingredients are dissolved.  Suspensions are liquids in which the particles are suspended, or scattered throughout the liquid, and not quite dissolved. Some medications are stable as a suspension but not as a solution.

The main difference between the two is how irritating they might be. Antibiotic solutions are generally more irritating than suspensions because solutions have a more acidic pH of 3-4, whereas suspensions have a less acidic pH of 5. (The pH scale ranges from 0-14 where 0 is the most acidic or irritating, 7 is neutral neither acidic or basic, and 14 is the most basic or least irritating.)

Solutions may also contain alcohol to help kill bacteria, but the alcohol can be extremely irritating when these solutions are applied.


Can Covid start with ear pain?

Is an ear infection a symptom of COVID-19? Ear infections and COVID-19 share a few common symptoms, most notably fever and headache. Ear infections are not a commonly reported symptom of COVID-19.

When should I go to the doctor for an ear infection?

You should contact your doctor immediately if: The symptoms do not improve within 3 days. Body temperature rises above 100.4 degrees as an accompanying fever could indicate a more serious infection. Ear infections are being experienced regularly, as they can eventually lead to hearing loss.

What are the risk factors for ear infections?

People who are more likely to develop ear infections may have chronic conditions, such as:

weakened immune system



allergies or eczema

conditions that require long-term antibiotic use

recurrent ear infections

cleft palate

exposure to secondhand smoke

What are some potential complications of ear infections?

Ear infections can spread to other parts of the ear, head, or neck without effective treatment. Ear infections can also cause:

mastoiditis, or an infection of the bone just behind the ear

permanent hearing loss

persistent balance issues

long-term vertigo

brain abscess

Can ear infections be prevented?

Preventing ear infections often includes routine best practices for good health. You can help prevent ear infections by:

getting your annual flu shot

practicing good handwashing and hygiene techniques

never using cotton swabs in your ear

routinely disinfecting earbuds and hearing aids

getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, and exercising

Will an ear infection in go away on its own?

While some ear infections may go away on their own, others will require medical treatment. Talk with your doctor to determine the type of ear infection you have and the proper treatment plan.

How can I treat an ear infection myself?

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain and fever reliever

Warm compress


Saltwater gargle

Drying eardrops for an ear infection

Hydrogen peroxide

Which ear drops are good for ear pain?

Antipyrine and benzocaine otic are used to relieve ear pain and swelling caused by middle ear infections. It may be used along with antibiotics to treat an ear infection. It is also used to help remove a build-up of ear wax in the ear. Antipyrine and benzocaine are in a class of medications called analgesics.


While ear infections are more common in children, adults can get them as well. Ear infections can develop in any part of the ear and may cause vertigo, itching, hearing loss, or fever.

While viral ear infections may only require OTC pain treatment, doctors typically prescribe oral or topical antibiotics for bacterial ear infections. With prompt treatment, most ear infections will clear up within a week.

Talk with your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms consistent with an ear infection.



www.goodrx.com  Ronilee Shye, PharmD, BCGP, BCACP, CDE 



It’s vital to take care of yourself. We all know this, yet it can be hard to find the motivation and willpower to do so in this busy world. This guide is here to help! We’ll explore five healthy habits that you can easily begin to adopt today, whether you’re trying to reduce stress, eat better, or improve your mental health.

Eating Mindfully

Most people who have tried mindful eating have found that what works best is eating less overall. This is because they are more aware of what and how much they are consuming. One good way to do this is to use smaller plates, bowls, and utensils. This can help prevent overeating before it’s too late to turn back.

Taking Time for Yourself

One important habit to adopt for better health and well-being is taking time for yourself every day. Take a long shower, go for a walk, or play an instrument —whatever you love to do, do it every day and notice the difference it makes on your stress and happiness levels.

Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep to match your busy daily routine optimizes your health and improves your well-being. Most adults should aim to get between six and eight hours of sleep every night. Turning off electronic devices before bed, keeping a consistent sleep schedule, and ensuring that light and noise don’t interrupt your bedroom are all crucial aspects of developing a healthy sleep routine.

Creating Healthy Routines

One of the most crucial aspects of healthy living is creating healthier daily routines. Routines save time and help to keep you on track. Routines can be as simple as eating breakfast every morning or drinking a glass of water before bed. To create new routines, it’s important to take note of what you’re currently doing in your day-to-day life. Then, find one unhealthy thing that you could replace with something healthier. As time goes on, you can keep swapping negative habits for more positive ones and reap the benefits!

Once you adopt a few healthy routines, it becomes easier to find other areas of your life that could be improved and take action to make them healthier. Trying out at least one of the healthy habits above can start you on a path to a happier and more rewarding, healthy lifestyle.


Before you seek emergency services for your dizziness, it’s important to understand why you’re feeling this way in the first place. While dizziness is the second most popular reason to go to the doctor, few people know why they started feeling dizzy in the first place.

Dizziness is estimated to affect 70% of the population at some point in their lives. Here are three reasons you might be feeling dizzy and whether or not you should receive urgent care because of it.


    1. Low blood pressure — Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, can make an individual feel dizzy and even lethargic. Some drops in low blood pressure, known as orthostatic hypotension, can also make you feel dizzy when you stand up quickly. Hypotension is usually a symptom of another condition, but it can also be a chronic problem on its own. Visit a doctor for a diagnosis or go to an urgent care nearby if you’re suffering from signs of shock.
    1. Benign positional vertigo — Vertigo is a medical condition that affects your sense of balance, causing spinning or swaying sensations when you tilt your head, turn over, lay down, or get up. It’s a disturbance in the fluid of the inner ear when crystals of calcium carbonate enter the canals of your ears. BPV requires a medical diagnosis and can be a lifelong issue.
    1. Excessive exercise — Exercise is necessary for a healthy mind and body but over-exerting yourself during a workout can cause symptoms of dizziness. Be sure to take periodic breaks and drink plenty of water during your workout. You should also avoid working out on an empty or overly full stomach.


You should visit a doctor or urgent care facility if your short bout of dizziness doesn’t go away or repeats frequently. You should also go to a pedi center or emergency services if you or your child has sustained a head injury, experienced blurred vision, or loses consciousness.

Ignoring your dizziness could result in potentially life-threatening damage. Contact your local urgent care, emergency services, or primary care physician when you want to talk about your repeated bouts of dizziness.


The common cold is pretty darn common. Each year, Americans catch approximately one billion colds. Each one will vary in severity, and each person will respond to getting sick differently, but on the whole, colds are fairly innocuous. The common cold is a viral infection of your nose and throat (upper respiratory tract). It’s usually harmless, although it might not feel that way.  The flu, on the other hand, has the potential to be deadly. How you respond to each of these, then, will be very different. Symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, cough, congestion, runny nose, headaches, and fatigue.

How to Respond to the Flu
Contracting influenza is a miserable experience. It can knock you out of commission for several days and potentially threaten your life. If treated properly, however, this shouldn’t happen. So, in order to take the right precautions, here’s how to handle influenza.

Step Zero: Before you catch the flu — before it’s even flu season — go get vaccinated. This will greatly improve your chances of going through the entire flu season without getting sick.

Step One: So, you caught the flu? Right now, you’re probably feeling pretty bad and want it to end. What should you do to make that happen? First of all, stay home. You won’t help anyone by exposing them to flu germs. Second, drink plenty of water. This will keep you hydrated as your body sweats from the fever. Wait until your fever dies down before doing any strenuous activity.

Step Two: If your fever isn’t dying down, or if you don’t feel like you’re getting better, consider contacting your doctor. If any of the following symptoms present themselves, you might be in need of emergency care at a local hospital:

  • Dizziness or confusion
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent vomiting even after only drinking water
  • Improved symptoms followed by drastic worsening of symptoms

Step Three: As you recover, hopefully without needing emergency care, slowly reintroduce your regular diet. Getting the proper amount of nutrients is important at any time, but it’s critical following a nasty illness like the flu.

For most colds, you should be able to take some basic over-the-counter medication to suppress the symptoms until your body recovers naturally. For the flu, however, a lot more is at stake. It is possible you will need emergency care at some point, so be vigilant of the dangerous warning signs mentioned above.

Chronic Headaches and Migraines

How to Treat and Prevent Chronic Headaches and Migraines

Can’t find relief from chronic headaches and migraines? You’re not alone! Chronic headaches and migraines are among the most common neurological disorders in the world. People experience different symptoms, but often it is intense pain in the head that can be debilitating. This pain can be either chronic or acute.

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Headaches and Migraines?

When you’re suffering from chronic headaches and migraines, your quality of life takes a significant blow. Headaches can last for days at a time and make it difficult to do the things you enjoy.

People with chronic headaches or migraines may experience a variety of symptoms including pressure or pain on either the left or right side of the head, sensitivity to light, pulsating pain, nausea, and vomiting.

What Are the Causes of Chronic Headaches and Migraines?

Neurological disorders are one major cause of chronic headaches and migraines. The most common causes of such problems are stress, allergies, and too much screen time. Other conditions that can lead to headaches and migraines include vascular disorders (high blood pressure), infections (meningitis), depression (situational headache), sinusitis (sinus headache), low oxygen levels in the brain (hypoxia), and post-traumatic stress disorder.

What Are the Risk Factors for Chronic Headaches and Migraines?

The risk factors for chronic headaches and migraines include stress, heredity, day-to-day activities such as living with pets or smoking cigarettes, dieting habits, lack of sleep, and dehydration. Some people have been found to have a genetic predisposition that can cause them to be more susceptible to chronic headaches and migraines.

Complications of Chronic Headaches and Migraines

The two most common headaches are migraines and chronic headaches. Migraines are characterized by intense, throbbing pain, which is typically on one side of the head. The pain can last anywhere from four hours to three days. Chronic headaches are not as intense as migraines, but they last longer.

Complications of Migraines

Migraine sufferers are more likely to have depression and anxiety than those without migraines. They also have a higher chance of experiencing a stroke or heart attack than people who don’t suffer from migraines. They’re also more likely to be on medication for hypertension.

Complications of Chronic Headaches

Chronic headaches are debilitating. They can interfere with personal life, work, and relationships. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help manage the pain. Understanding what causes chronic headaches can also help people identify triggers and better learn how to avoid them.

The side effects of chronic headaches can be so severe that people may need to take a prescription medication just to function normally. This usually leads them to find pills for chronic headache relief such as ibuprofen or aspirin.

Can You Prevent Chronic Headaches and Migraines?

Migraines are often caused by hormonal changes, poor diet, stress, and other triggers. There are many things you can do to help prevent migraines. These include making lifestyle changes or taking medication. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can also help prevent chronic headaches, migraines, and relieve tension and release some of that built-up energy that is making your headache worse.

How are Chronic Headaches and Migraines Diagnosed and Treated?

Doctors diagnose chronic headaches and migraines by looking for common causes such as sinusitis or cerebral venous thrombosis. They may then recommend treatments for these causes if they are found. The most common treatment for people with chronic headaches is migraine medication such as Amitriptyline and Topiramate.

However, there are other options for relieving pain caused by chronic headaches and migraines such as human tissue product therapy. Human tissue product therapy is a branch of regenerative medicine that studies the use of human cells and biomaterials to regenerate, repair and replace tissue.


Headaches and Migraines can be defined as a combination of symptoms that cause pain in the head, neck, and/or face. Some people get relief from their headaches with simple remedies such as taking a warm bath, drinking lots of water, or resting.

There are many ways to prevent chronic headaches and migraines like regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and stress management techniques like meditation or acupuncture. However, chronic headaches and migraines are not always so easy to relieve.


Accelerated Urgent Care | September 20, 2021

The Four Origins of Pink Eye


First, your eye feels scratchy or uncomfortable. Next, you might notice redness, swelling, or discharge. They all add up to what doctors call conjunctivitis—though most people know it by the everyday name pink eye.

This common condition occurs when the conjunctiva—the thin, smooth layer of tissue lining the surface of your eye and the inside of your lid—becomes irritated or infected. Most often, this occurs due to viruses or bacteria.

“Conjunctivitis is basically like getting the common cold for your eye,” says Gene Kim, MD, associate professor of ophthalmology and visual science with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth in Houston and a member of the Robert Cizik Eye Clinic.

Pink eye symptoms are usually mild, but in severe cases, your vision can be affected—and threatened. Simple cases can usually be treated at home with artificial tears and cold compresses, says Radha Ram, MD, a pediatric ophthalmologist and adult strabismus surgeon with Texas Children’s Specialty Care in Austin. But in more severe cases, prescription eye drops or medications may be required.

The four origins of pink eye

Like many things in life, there are many roads to contracting pink eye. The first of which is called viral conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis is exactly as it sounds, a virus that is easily transmitted from person to person. It is highly contagious and is usually caused by viruses such as adenoviruses.

Bacteria is a large contributor to many different infections; this includes bacterial conjunctivitis. This is the most common origin of pink eye that is common among both adults and children. There are quite a few types of bacteria that may be responsible for the infection. A few of these bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, etc.

Everyone hates allergies. It just so happens that allergies would be responsible for the third origin of pink eye. Allergies may come from many different sources such as pollen, molds, animals, and even some medications. The good thing about allergic conjunctivitis is that it is not contagious like the other two origins mentioned. Usually, this type of pink eye only isn’t year-round and only occurs seasonally.

The fourth and final potential origin for pink eye is caused by irritants. An irritant could be anything from fumes to dust. Just about anything that bothers someone’s eyes could cause a reaction resulting in a case of conjunctivitis. The good news is that it isn’t contagious like viral and bacterial conjunctivitis.


It’s important to stop wearing contact lenses while affected by conjunctivitis. It often resolves on its own, but treatment can speed the recovery process. Allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with antihistamines. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated with antibiotic eye drops.

At-home remedies

Be sure to talk to your doctor before you use any at-home remedies for pink eye.

A cold compress will soothe that annoying itchiness. When using a cold compress, be sure to use purified water to keep the area clean. You also need to re-sterilize your water and cloth each time you apply.

Chamomile is a natural herb often used for its soothing antibacterial properties. Simply brew a cup of chamomile tea, remove the tea bag and let it cool, then place it gently over your eye. Tip: lie down before applying the tea bag so that it doesn’t need to be held in place.

Baking soda whitens your teeth, but it also soothes an itch. Just dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda into warm, sterilized water and apply with a clean cotton swab.

Coconut oil (the organic variety is recommended) is another natural anti-bacterial home remedy. Apply it to the eyelid with a clean cotton ball before going to sleep and upon waking. This will help soothe the infection and itchiness.

Salt water in your tears can cleanse infection, so why not apply it by preparing a solution, using a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of sterilized water? This creates some natural DIY eye-drops.


Accelerated Urgent Care | October 26, 2021
